It is required to warm floors in the builded multi-storey house, it is better for making what material and what installation?
It is possible to warm foam isol on our installation. Components foam isol: Pitch ????-15, foamer, orthophosphate an acid.
Whether external walls from foam concrete without furnish (without plaster, facing) can serve?
Can serve, but better plaster and revet
Whether it is necessary manufacturing of matrixes for manufacture sheet polyfoam on your equipment or additional. The equipment for are sharp?
Yes, it is necessary to make the form an internal part from sheet metal, it is cut with the help of a string. We at office have cartridge with record manufacture plates from foam isol. In the same place process ??????? plates is shown. The price in Kiev 15 hrn. We can send mail.
I was interested with the equipment on manufacture of foam concrete. Having studied your information on manufacture, at me has arisen two questions:
1) Requirements to sand which is used in manufacture of foam concrete
2) The cost price of building blocks from foam concrete is rather high, whether it is possible release blocks with hollowness for reduction of the cost price if it is possible what volume can borrow{occupy} hollowness in percentage terms to volume of the block?
1) Sand needs to be applied river sectile
2) The cost price of foam concrete of mark of 1 m3 800 on our equipment and with ours foamer 120-130 hrn/m3.
What is included into the complete set for 23 thousand?
The complete set includes concrete mixer, foam generator, the compressor, a production schedules on release of foam concrete of marks 400, 600, 800. The project t/c, the operation manual, a guarantee.
I ask to send the price-list on small shop on manufacture of foam concrete, the prices specify in euro
Line for manufacturing foam concrete till 4 m3 / hour : concrete mixer 1.25 m3, concrete generator ??-5? 700?/mines, the compressor in 500?/minutes, 6 atm., the activator of foam, overpass. The price 6600 Ђ. In addition: feeders 280 Ђ for 1?, three tensor the gauge from 1586 Ђ depending on the manufacturer, the distributing machine - 1980 Ђ. gerotor the pump - 2315 Ђ
At the moment I examine an opportunity and expediency started " from zero " manufactures of products from polyfoam: heat insulation for pipes, foam polystyrene plates. I shall be rather grateful for the detailed information on the prices for the equipment (it is possible second-hand) and necessary equipment, and also quotations on their subsequent adjustment and start-up. Provisional structure of the necessary equipment: a prefoamer, the bunker of intermediate endurance{quotation} foamed granules, the ???????-amalgamator, the block - form, a steam and gas generator.
We are engaged in sale of installations on about - ?? karbomid polyfoam on a basis karbomid-formaldehyde pitches. Plates from it{her} turn outlittle bit loose. Installation is intended basically for scale warming potting by polyfoam as an average layer between protective designs. It{he} can be applied for casting floors, roofs, pipes.
Interests the equipment for manufacturing foam concrete no autoclaved in productivity from above 10?3/hour:
1) Whether it is certificated in Ukraine
2) Cost
3) Term of manufacturing of the equipment
4) Whether there are production schedules of manufacturing
Such equipment of obligatory certification is not subject. The price of 220 thousand hrn. Term of manufacturing under the contract of 60 days. Really to make for 40 days. Those. The rules is
As far as it would be safe to warm an internal wall in an apartment polyfoam?
It is safe, if it is filled between two partitions (walls)
Than requirements to the area of a room are caused? 2-3 m3 / hour is interested in purchase of installation by productivity, but at the moment I have a premise{room} of 120 m2 in height of 3,5 m. Interests an opportunity of manufacture foam blocks all over again with the purpose of end of construction of a premise{room} of 240 m2, then expansions of manufacture
The height in particular is caused by an opportunity of use of a crane - beam for movement of blocks. With height of ceilings 3.5 m work is real, but probably without a crane - beam. The area of 120 m2 at this stage will be sufficient.